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Important Notice

Customer-Initiated Interruptions

In the event of an interruption initiated by the customer, no refunds will be issued for the rental of the bicycle.

Customer Injuries and Damages

Our shop does not provide compensation for personal injuries or property damage resulting from accidents.

Repair Costs for Punctures During Rental

The cost of repairing punctures during the rental period will be charged to the customer. Theft, damage, or loss of rental bicycles and accessories will be charged within the limits of the liability waiver. However, optional rental items (such as clothing, helmets, cameras, etc.) are not covered by the liability waiver. Please note that in the event of loss or damage to these items, you will be charged their current market value.

Written Pledge

  • Rentals are available to individuals aged 18 or older, or to those accompanied by an adult aged 18 or older.
  • The rental period is generally limited to the same day. Upon request, pick-up the day before and return the day after the rental period can be arranged. Rental fees must be paid in advance. In the case of overtime, additional fees will be charged upon return. Returns made after closing hours will incur additional charges. Please fill out the rental application form with the required information before the vehicle is handed over. A valid ID to verify age is required.
  • If you need to cancel your reservation, please be sure to contact us in advance.
  • If weather conditions around the shop on the rental day are deemed dangerous for cycling, the rental may be canceled.
  • Riding on beaches, rocky areas, muddy areas, off-road, or in competitions where the vehicle may sustain damage beyond normal use is prohibited.
  • When parking, always lock the bicycle and park only in designated areas. Do not park in prohibited areas.
  • If you encounter any operational issues with the bicycle during the rental period, please contact the shop immediately.
  • In the event of a traffic accident or theft during the rental period, contact the police first and then notify the shop immediately.
  • If the rental bicycle is damaged or lost due to the customer’s intentional act or negligence, compensation up to the current market value of the bicycle and compensation for 5 days of rental fees will be charged.
  • Customers requesting pick-up service must apply in advance. Additional charges will apply for requests made during the rental period.

Our shop aims to enhance your cycling experience and contribute to the promotion of cycling culture through our services.

Article 1: Eligibility

The rental bicycles are available for use only by customers who meet all of the following criteria:
(1) Agree with the purpose of this shop and can comply with these terms and other traffic regulations.
(2) Have a phone number through which they can be contacted by the shop or associated operating companies.
(3) Carry an identification document on the rental day and can present it to the shop staff.
(4) Are in a health condition suitable for using a sports bicycle.
(5) Are not under the influence of alcohol.
(6) Are not associated with any organized crime groups.
(7) Do not have infectious diseases or other contagious illnesses that may be transmitted to others.
(8) If under the age of 18, are accompanied by a legal guardian or an adult over the age of 18 (hereinafter referred to as “guardian”) during the rental period. In this case, the application requires the guardian’s handwritten signature and the presentation of the guardian’s identification document. The guardian shares responsibility with the minor under these terms.
(9) Have no history of overdue rental bicycle fees.
(10) Are deemed suitable for rental use by the shop.
(11) Do not intend to use the bicycle for competitive purposes.

Article 2: Reservations

  1. Customers can make advance reservations by contacting the shop via phone or email by the end of business hours on the day before the desired rental date. (Same-day reservations are also possible.)
  2. When making a reservation, please provide the user’s name, age, phone number, and the desired rental date and time.
  3. If you wish to use the drop-off service, please inform us at the time of reservation.
  4. Depending on availability, we may not be able to provide the desired bicycle model.
  5. Same-day rentals are available without a reservation. However, priority will be given to customers with advance reservations.
  6. If you are going to be late on the rental day, please call the shop before the reserved time.

Article 3: Cancellation of Reservations

Rental bicycles are available for use only by customers who meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Customers can cancel their reservations by calling the shop by the end of business hours on the day before the desired rental date.
  2. If there is no prior notice and one hour has passed since the reserved time, the reservation will be automatically canceled.

Article 4: Application Procedure

The application procedure is as follows:

(1) Confirm the rental period, rental bicycle course, and rental parts with the shop staff.
(2) Receive an explanation of the “Liability Waiver” from the shop staff.
(3) Fill out the rental bicycle application form with the required information.
(4) Present the rental bicycle application form and an identification document to the shop staff.
(5) Settle the rental fee. The rental fee is as specified separately and is generally paid in advance.
(6) Receive instructions from the shop staff on how to handle the rental bicycle and parts (hereinafter referred to as “rental items”).
(7) The shop staff will adjust the rental bicycle to fit the customer.
(8) The customer and shop staff will jointly confirm that the rental items are in good working order.
(9) The shop staff will hand over the rental items to the customer.

Article 5: Return of Rental Items
  1. Customers must return the rental items to the designated return location by the scheduled return time.
  2. Please return the rental items in the same condition as when they were rented. If there are any abnormalities or malfunctions, promptly inform the shop staff.
Article 6: Formation of the Rental Agreement
  1. The rental agreement for the rental items is formed when the shop receives the rental fee and hands over the rental items to the customer.
  2. If the shop is unable to provide the reserved rental items due to accidents, theft, or other reasons not attributable to the shop or associated operating companies, the shop reserves the right to cancel the reservation.
Article 7: Invalidity of Application

If the customer falls under any of the following conditions during the rental period, the shop may invalidate the application without notice and immediately request the return of the rental items. In this case, the rental fee received by the shop as per Article 4 will not be refunded under any circumstances.
(1) If the customer engages in activities that violate these terms of use.
(2) If the customer causes an accident due to reasons attributable to the customer.
(3) If the customer no longer meets the eligibility criteria outlined in Article 1.

Article 8: Overtime Rental Period
  1. If you are likely to exceed the scheduled return time, please contact the shop immediately.
  2. If you return the bike after the rental period, you will be required to pay an additional fee specified separately.
  3. If a delay in returning the bike causes the next customer to be unable to use it or causes damage to a third party, you will be responsible for compensating for that damage.
  4. If the return time has passed and the bike has not been returned without any notice from you, we may contact you by phone, mail, email, or other means to confirm. Please note that additional charges will still apply according to these terms, even if we do not contact you.
    **Please note that we do not accept pickups beyond the scheduled return time. Also, advance reservations are required for those using pickup or drop-off services.
Article 9: Breakdowns and Damage
  1. If the rented item breaks down or gets damaged, please stop riding immediately and contact the store.
  2. If the bike gets a flat tire, customers who have borrowed a repair kit from the store should use the kit to fix it. If you are unsure how to repair it, please contact the store.
  3. If the rented item breaks down or gets damaged due to reasons attributable to the customer, the customer may be charged for the cost of the damage.
Article 10: Theft and Loss
  1. If the bike is stolen or lost, please contact the store immediately.
  2. If the rented item is stolen or lost due to reasons attributable to the customer, the customer may be charged for the cost of the loss.
Article 11: Accidents
  1. If you are involved in an accident during the rental period, please contact the store immediately.
  2. If necessary, contact the police and take any actions required by law.
  3. If the accident is due to reasons attributable to the customer and causes damage to the store or a third party, the customer will be responsible for compensating for the damage.
  4. If a settlement is required, the customer must handle it at their own responsibility. The store and its operating companies assume no responsibility for the accident.
  5. The store and its operating companies are not liable for any damage caused to the customer or a third party due to a bike malfunction.
Article 12: Prohibited Actions
  1. During the rental period, customers must not allow anyone other than the user specified on the rental application form to use the rented bike.
  2. During the rental period, customers must not engage in the following prohibited actions:
    (1) Reckless driving, driving under the influence of alcohol, or any other acts that violate traffic regulations.
    (2) Using the bike in dangerous areas, inappropriate locations, or in an unsafe manner.
    (3) Engaging in activities that obstruct the passage of pedestrians or others.
    (4) Modifying or altering the structure or equipment of the rented bike.
    (5) Any other acts that violate laws and regulations.
Article 13: Early Termination Due to Force Majeure

If the rented item becomes unusable during the rental period due to force majeure, such as natural disasters or other reasons beyond the control of the store, the operating companies, or the customer, the rental agreement will be terminated. In such cases, the customer must promptly notify the store and agrees in advance that the rental fee will not be refunded.

Article 14: Principle of Good Faith

In the event of any ambiguity in the content of these terms, or if any matter not specified in these terms arises, the customer and the store shall make every effort to resolve the issue through sincere consultation.

Article 15: Agreed Jurisdiction Court

In the event of any dispute arising from the rights and obligations under these terms, it is agreed that the exclusive jurisdiction shall be with the district court that has jurisdiction over the location of the store.